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Rules and regulations

Rules and Regulations

  • Only registered members are allowed to use the library. Members should always bring their membership cards while using the library.
  • At the time of entering the library, all personal belongings should be deposited at the prescribed counter kept beside the library entrance.
  • Carrying of bags, folders, personal books or any printed materials, food articles are strictly prohibited inside the library. Users are only allowed to carry library books, copy and pen.
  • Library authority will not be responsible for any damage or loss of personal belongings.
  • Silence should be maintained inside the library.
  • The mobile phones must be kept in the silent mode inside the library.
  • At the time of issuance every user is expected to check the physical condition of the book and must report to the library staff if any damage is noticed.
  • Any significant damage, disfigurement or loss of a library book will have to be compensated by replacement of the latest edition of the book, or in case of unavailability, by the payment of the current price of the book. If the book is one of a set or series, the borrower may be asked to replace the whole set or series.
  • Library membership may be suspended if any user is failed to submit the issued book within due course of time.
  • Reference books, journals & magazines are not issued at all.
  • Every library member must collect his/her library clearance certificate from the college library at the end of his/her study/service by submitting library card.

The above-mentioned library rules may be changed or altered from time to time.

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Contact Us

10, K.N.C Road, Barasat
North 24 Parganas, Kolkata,
West Bengal - 700124.